Saturday, August 08, 2009

Stella’s one hundred days old (Professional)

Finally, I’ve received the professional photography of Stella’s a hundred days old from the studio.  Followings are my selection of them.


Stella liked this accessories with the sitter.  I’ve considered to buy one but it turned out a little bit expensive than my budget.  Those flowers  and lots of reds in the scene makes her emotion brighter and active.  By the way, she looks a little bit fat with the wig and scarf.


We’ve prepared kinds of formal suits to take the family shot but the photographer wanted me untie.   It makes more like casual look and feel of our first family photo.


This is one of the best smile of Stella among all pictures.  She started with good feeling at the first day of studio experience but became tired after the first hour.    After the bathtub scene, we’ve moved to different room which has various cushions.  Soon, she started hating to lie down with her arms on a cushion and we couldn’t make her comfortable with it.  More than half an hour struggling made everyone hard and we’ve given up for the day.


Two days later, we’ve gone to the studio again to finish up this studio photography.  It was our third visit after the family picture and the first trial of Stella’s own portrait.  The photographer has been changed again and she was the one who took our family picture. 

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She was also a mom having kids and knew exactly what a baby wants.  That’s our luck to meet her since the work went through smoothly for the rest of the day.

At the last moment we’ve asked her to take our picture again since we wanted to have a casual shot of family and she nicely accepted it.



  1. OMG. Looks fantastic. I guess the more you pay, the better you get?? The last one looks like a commercial, maybe bank commercial? :)

  2. Thanks Mike. It was Rachel's idea to take this picture. We needed to visit the studio three times to take all those pictures. Not easy task..
