In front of church by the Limousine. We're about to leave to the honeymoon. One of my friend rent me a Limo as a gift for our wedding. It was nice to get into the loooong car to go honeymoon! Thanks, Sungchul!
Waikiki beach view from the lobby of the hotel. I was waiting for check-in time. Unfortunately, we arrived here, too early to check in. So, there still remained about 3 hours to go. Tired of long flight and beautiful beach view.
The first dinner at Hawaii; Lobster and Oyster, etc.. Eunha especially likes Oyster. We've had lobster and oyster couple more times from Hawaii to San Diego, later.
After the first dinner at Honolulu, we decided to walk around the downtown. Lots of tourists were wondering the city blocks like us. Eunha found a woman passing who wore a cute baloon hat shaped goofy. She just asked the woman to borrow it for taking picture and the woman gave her this.
There's a cute and crowded shopping village on the block behind our hotel but we missed the chance to take a look at there.
2. The day two (5/2)
We had lunch with Mr Yang who's friend of my little sister. After that there's shopping time! Eunha tried lots of shirts and pents.
Raw Oyster in Sauce at a Japanese restaurant. It was our dinner on the night.
Finally, we went to the Waikiki beach although it was mid-night.
Our foot-prints on the sands.
3. The day three (5/3)
The third day, we've decided to go some nice beach and restaurant on the island. While we're blindly touring the coast, there appeared a nice bay named Hanauma.
The guy working for the park said there's a nice steak restaurant near by and we've found it. Our dinner of that night.
On the way back, I found a huge cruise docked on the harbor. It was really big.
4. The day four (5/4)
The fourth day was the last full day we can tour hawaii. Besides everything else, we couldn't miss Polynesian Cultural Center. On the way to get there, there was really cute small beach and we've enjoyed the beach a little.
Polynesian Cultural Center was full of fun but it should be prepared whole day from the morning. The this point, we've too late to see everything. We saw only few stuff.
5. The day five (5/4)
It was the last day of our honeymoon and Hawaii. We took a picture at Honolulu airport against the background as Hawaiian Airline.
And we've arrived at San Diego after long trip. It was long long trip..