December fifth is my birthday. Since everyone's busy these season (final season), I couldn't have good celebration with my friend in school.
This time, I invited few friends of mine who have spent most of time together at schoool and their friends.

Jessica & Xin are a lovely couple. They will be perfect match to each other. Kevin is graphics designer from Chico, northern California. It's nice to see you. He seems cool guy.

Irene is the first chinese (not really ^^) girl I've known. I thought she's a gf of Xin since he brought her to our study group. She proved herself smart. Many time, she lead our group and shed light to us when we're in dark. Even though she's from Santa Barbara, she's grown up in San Diego before (and now). So, we can say, she's true San Diegan. ^_*

Gene likes to say "little ...." but both he and Sarah (Gene's wife) are tall. This hot couple is Mrs & Mr Lockett. Just married! No kidding!! (And I've sung in the marrage)