Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ducks' crossing street

One fine day, Rachel and I were having lunch at home.
During lunch, Rachel yelled "Honey, look outside!" and I saw the amazing scene through the window. There were a band of ducks crossing the ten lanes big street! All the cars suddenly stopped and waited for all the ducks to finish crossing street. That has taken a while. It was interesting that the tallest guy lead all others like a military band.
Actually, there's a brand new shopping mall at the direction, they are heading. The new shopping mall has a cute little pond and the other side has a big artificial lake.
These days, people said that ducks are often going back and forth between two water places and it's my first time to see it by my eyes.
Valencia is getting interesting. ^^

1 comment:

  1. 규만 브라더...
    여기 컴에는 형 블로그 접속이 가능하네요...
    어떤 컴은 막아 두어서 어찌 할수가 없었는데 말입니다...

    역시 바다는 캘리포니아가 최고 이네요..
    밑에 사진 버니까요...
    저는 지금 서울대 근처 녹두거리에서 후배 기다리는 중에 컴 쓰는 중입니다...

    서울에 너무 자주 와요...
    시골집 청송에보다 더 자주 와요..
    조만간 만나요...
