Monday, May 22, 2006

Graduate Commencement

There was graduate commencement of science and engineering collages of san diego state university on yesterday. I walked on it for my master of science degree on computer science. Although my last master's degree was back to 1996 on Physics, this event reminds me the final moment of my long study has been reached. I often says I collected degrees like collecting postages but everyone knows it's always hard to finish an academic program. That's why I'm truly happy but little bit nervous for this time.

Dr Roch is the best one among all professors taught me in my program. She wasn't just a good instructor in class but she really cared all students to understand what they learned. I've never seen any other professor put one's effort on helping each individual student.

This funny little tree may have money on its leaf, later. Thanks Gene & Sarah for your kind hearts.

There're four girls living next door to my apartment. I only found two of them.

Xin is my good friend who graduated same time with me. We also work in the next building to each other. What a nice karma!


  1. Congratulations to you!
    And all those pretty girls with you :)

  2. Congraturation Chester.
    I'm so sorry for missing there. . It looked very fun with your huge group of friends.

  3. Congrats! How many more letters do you have after your name now? Ha ha.

  4. Richard>> Thanks. I have secret weapon. ^^

    Elena>> That's okay. I received your meaning.

    Danny>> You've already been there? No, you missed yours last time. Let's have more chance.

    Stella>> Thanks. master of science in computer science, master of science in physics, bachelor of arts in physics. ;)

  5. Hi Chester.
    You look great. When I see your ceremony, I want to graduate from school.

    I hope you will understand deep meaning of "Commencement"

    Take care

  6. 형.. 졸업 축하해여..^_^
    가까이 있음 축하하는 의미에서
    술이라두 한잔 했을텐데.. 아쉽네여
    가까운 시일에 형이 나오는게 아니라,
    제가 놀러 갈 수 있는 기회가 있음
    형 또 놀러 올께여..

    p.s. 다음에는 in english로 ㅋㅋ

  7. Chaeman>> Thanks. You'll walk on same place with mine. Furthermore, you'd get higher degree than mine. ;)

    Junghoon>> Yeah, I miss you, too. Why don't you try San Diego as your honeymoon!

  8. Oh My dear friend KyuMan! I'm so sorry. I didn't know that you were studing so hard. Now You got a pecious victory!! Im proud of you.

  9. Eduardo>> That's okay. Yes, it's big victory. I appreciate to all those ppl helped me to finish it. Why don't you come here to see both me and your little bro. ^^
