Monday, March 13, 2006


Recently, I started playing tennis with my friend Xin who recently moved to Qualcomm located next to my work. One good side is we have nice tennis court in our complex. Our offices are part of San Diego Tech Center complex and it provides fitniss center, pool, raquet ball courts and tennis courts. San Diego's nice weather also helps us to play tennis perfectly even in this winter season.


  1. How wonder-full tennis court there is!
    My school also has tennis court where is mud-_-;

    Anytime I can play tennis, but I don't have tennis shoes and racket-_-;
    and mud court make me avoid playing tennis-_-;
    How's you doing these days?

    Me? Studying has sweet sorrowT_T;

  2. That's good you have free tennis courts on campus. My school has only paid tennis courts. That's why I like to play tennis at work. Tennis shoes are not special. A pair of snickers might be fine. Racket? Cheapest one costs only $20. I already have two. (one for guest ^^)
    Anyway, I'm doing fine. I just got the master of science degree diploma. It likely needs a nice frame. ;)
