Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Die Zauberfloete (The magic flute) - Metropolitan Opera ; 1991

Papageno ;
He is actual main actor of Die Zauberfloete. A bird-human sells bird. (That's kinda paradox but funny!)

Papageno & Pamina ;
Princess Pamina is found by Papageno, first. Not by Prince Tamino. Anyway, she will fall in love with Tamino.

The queen of night ;
She doesn't show up lots of times in this opera, but the most famous aria is sung by her. It's known as The aria of the queen of night. Since it's very high tone, not so many soprano can sing this song. Only few dramatic soprano can perform it.

Papageno & Papagena;
They are the cutest couple of this drama. Personaly, I like the duet when they see each other as the first time. "Pa pa pa pa-ge-no", "Pa pa pa pa-ge-na"~

1 comment:

  1. 메트로폴리탄 오페라 마술피리네...
    27일이 모짜르트 탄생 250주년이지?
    나 블로그 옮겼으니 앞으로 이리루 와
