I've got a vacation within last two weeks and couldn't still be recovered from it, now. First few days, I spent most of time to prepare VISA interview which has been on US Embassy at Seoul. There're couple of official doc's that I needed to visit different government offices to get them. (waste of time!) As a result, I got new VISA stamped and returned to the States, safely.
My kind friends waited for me that dates and we met on a nice bar located at Myoung-dong. I found myself is the only single among these but they're not changed a lot even after married life. It's always good to have unchanged friends on somewhere. We've drunken a lot and missed the last train of subway but were happy, anyway.

One sad news was that Seonghwan's injured on his knee, seriously. His knee muscle has actually been operated and he've waited for its recovering couple of weeks. Poor guy! I didn't agree with his idea which he'll keep enjoying snowboarding on this winter but it's understandable. How have we loved snowboarding even after Jeongyoon! I just wanna say him, "Plz, plz, be careful!"
This picture was taken at Coffee bean near Gangnam subway station. The smaller guy is Seonghwan and the tall guy is Jeongho. Jeongho is really tall and looks tough but he's kind and soft guy. (He even loves pets!)

Joonhyung is still struggling with hard life. He's trying everything but it seems not easy for him to feed himself and his family. I like his bright smile although he has this suffer. Now he has a small office to provide fixing service for some special sewing machine. I've envied his beautiful singing voice and wanted to hear it again but he just denied singing. I don't know why. Back to 1990's, it was good time to sing together on some bars as a guest singer. I hope we'll have a chance to do that, again.

Another pleasure of this holiday was to see my family. All of my two sisters now have babies. The little cute one in the picture with my parents is my nephew, the youngest sister's baby. He's one year old. It means he wasn't when I was in Korea last time (two years ago). Can you believe it? Since all of my family members are really busy, it was hard to make a time to have a short trip out of city. Fortunately, we can have one day off and went Nami island on the north han river(book han gang) near Choonchun city. Frankly, I didn't like my sister's idea to go there, but the beautiful colors of nature made me comfortable. I couldn't resist to say it's really nice time to be there with my family I love. Half colored leaves were spread like a fire and wide grass provided us to take a deep rest from busy life.

I've liked to be on river side park when I've lived in Seoul. That peaceful scene and mild wind have always made me comfort. It was also a my favorite date-course. ^^ Actually, the river side park is the best on spring time. Lots of small flowers blossom and good smell is givien out everywhere. Just walking around there's good while secrete couples' talking.

Doohwan is one of old but young friends. He played cello when I was in an amatuer orchestra, RACE. He's working for a big credit card company of Korea in Youi island, now. In Korea, I've been in more western restaurants and coffee shops than Korean traditional restaurants. It seems like a trend that young peoples prefer western style place to meet friends. Same thing happened in Japan. You can find lots of Starbucks, Coffee beans, McDonalds and Outback Steak houses in both countries. Anyway, Doohwan also prepares business school in Korea. Every graduate school in Korea requires TOEFL score, now. Things are changing, everytime. Good luck friend!